Christmas badger

Final picture taken in 2020 had to be Blondie
The badgers had taken to coming through very late according to the night vision cameras (2-4am). It was with great surprise on Christmas Eve as sat in the lounge and watched the clock move past midnight that Blondie arrived in the garden, my very own Christmas Day badger! It seemed somewhat fitting that Blondie was the first ever badger I caught on night vision camera and it was going to be my last image of 2020 as I packed the cameras away to wait for longer days in the spring. You can really see in this picture how big Blondie has got and how much its head shape has changed, I have a wager on being male and I'm sticking to that. I hope they all get through the winter ok, I have got quite attached to my family of garden destroyers and will miss them over the months ahead..

Hopefully more badgers tales to follow in 2021.